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Plowed Land by Jean Fautrier, 1963

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Plowed Land by Jean Fautrier, 1963(1)
Plowed Land by Jean Fautrier, 1963(2)
Plowed Land by Jean Fautrier, 1963(3)
Plowed Land by Jean Fautrier, 1963(4)
Plowed Land by Jean Fautrier, 1963
Justine de Paris
ile de france / seine saint denis (93)

Justine de Paris
142 rue des Rosiers, 93400 Saint-Ouen
433688108RCS Bobigny
433688108RCS Bobigny

Description de 'Plowed Land by Jean Fautrier, 1963'

Plowed Land by Jean Fautrier, 1963:
Paysage labouré (Plowed Land), by Jean Fautrier : Aquatint, wash and roulette on Arches wove paper. Signed in pencil in the lower right margin and numbered out of 100. Perfect Condition.
Dimensions: 56 x 76 cm (22.05 x 29.92 inches)
Engelberts: 1962-5, Mason 269

Jean Fautrier (1898-1964) was a French painter, printmaker, and sculptor. Jean Fautrier was a tremendous French painter and sculptor, pioneer of the lyrical abstract school of Paris (Pierre Soulages, Hans Hartung, Olivier Debré, Nicolas de Staël...). Marked by the Nazis' atrocities against civilians, he created the famous Hostages series. A friend of André Malraux and Georges Bataille, Jean Fautrier embodies one of the trends in modern art of the second half of the 20th century, between figuration and abstraction. His work is in every great museum, like MoMA in New York, Centre Pompidou in Paris, and Tate in London.

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Cache 2025-02-22 23:48:01

Update : 2025-02-22 23:48:01 - 0.04 s